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I get it. There’s not much point in having work-life balance if you don’t have the health to enjoy it. It would be like being at home with my kids and not being able to get out of bed to play with them because I was too unwell.”
These are the words a marketing expert and now long-time friend said to me when he worked with our business around 20 years ago. He had yet to get his head around why I spoke about work-health-life balance instead of work-life balance.
I wasn’t budging – and when he had his ah-hah moment, he understood why.
Life Changes
Fast forward to today, and what’s different in his world? Everything.
For many years, he had what looked like a life to be envied. His work was exciting, high-powered and fast-paced. Mainly overseas based at one point, he constantly travelled the world. One day at the BAFTAs. The next on the Australian Hinterland. Back and forth between Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.
He knew the financial highs and lows of building businesses and earning exceptional money. And life bubbled along in the background.
He had an amazing ability to land firmly on his feet when he made a work or career change. At times, it led me to question what I was doing. Had I missed the boat with my side steps? Was I doing something wrong?
Then, it all changed dramatically in 2020. His health. His world. Shortly after he’d returned safely to his family from overseas before the borders shut.
I knew he had been managing some health challenges for a few years. However, now it was different. His body and mind had been seriously affected by the stress of his work and life. Simon had the choice to stop immediately and change his life – or suffer even more serious health consequences.
He stopped. He pivoted1. In his typical way, he landed on his feet. Today, he consciously manages his health challenges with courage, optimism and hope.
By his own admission, he knows the signs he missed. Changes he could have made along the way – and chose not to. Some choices he could make now and chooses not to.
That’s a key to his attitude. The fact that he knows he has choices.
This story isn’t a new one. I know it will resonate with many of you. And I share it with his permission because it reminds me why I do what I do and to be grateful for my health. To never take health for granted.
It also reminds me of our conversation all those years ago about why I’ve said, from the outset, it’s work-health-life balance.
work-health-life balance wellness
Or now, work-health-life wellness.
The shift from ‘balance’ to ‘wellness’ was gradual. For two reasons:
- ‘Balance’ suggested equal time in each area, which was a challenge for many people we worked with to get their heads around. So, we re-framed it to remove the connotation of ‘equal time’.
- Wellness is more wholistic, and a constant reminder of the need to focus on the whole person and every aspect of life.
Seven keys
There are many keys to achieving work-health-life wellness. Seven are listed below.
- Get body and mind aware.
- Stop waiting for the catastrophe.
- Know you have choices.
- Start something today.
- Take small steps.
- Feel in charge of your health and life.
- Develop your Wellness EthicTM.
I’ll be expanding on each of these keys over the next week, so if you’d like them to arrive direct to your inbox, be sure to subscribe today.
By the way, I’m flexible with opinions and happy to see other viewpoints. Just don’t expect me to shift my stubborn stance from work-health-life wellness!
Until next time…
PS: I’d love to hear your thoughts, so please share them below.
1. If you’d like to see what a pivot looks like you can find out about Simon’s here.
I’m a work-health-life Strategist working with people like you to master difficult or challenging conversations, and to improve health and wellness. If you’re curious about how to move from where you are now to where you want to be, let me know.
Narelle says
So true Anne. Wellness is a critical piece of our work and life. Looking forward to reading more about the seven keys.
Anne Whatley-Dale says
Thanks Narelle!
Yes, it is – and so easy to keep waiting to make a big start instead of any start.
Rest assured, the 7 Keys are on the way!
Rod Alford says
Good Stuff Anne. Very relevant to todays work environment.
Anne Whatley-Dale says
Thanks Rod. Great to hear from you! I appreciate your feedback.
Andrea Johns says
Another good read, Anne
Anne Whatley-Dale says
Thanks Andrea. I’m glad you liked it.
The next part is on its way!