Many people, professional practitioners, products, programs and places inspire and support the quest to achieve success and wellness in life and work.
These are some favourites*:
- Move Your Body – Exercise and Activity is important throughout life, regardless of age. Especially as we get older. The intensity or activity may change, however research continues to show the importance of keeping the body moving for overall health and wellness benefits. Gym. Personal Training. Pilates. Walking, Cycling. Kayaking. Running. Jazzercise. Yoga. Dancing. Bushwalking. Outdoor and challenge activities or events. Whatever direction you choose, a good place to start is with an exercise and activity professional, like an Exercise Physiologist.
- Fuel Your Body – Eating what works for you is an important choice. A helpful approach is to eat the highest quality food you can afford. As whole – unprocessed – as possible, is a good start. As local as possible.That leaves room for other considerations. Organic. Plant-based. Meat-free or Vegetarian. Vegan. Pescatarian. Intermittent Fasting. Once again, whatever direction you consider, consult a medical or appropriately qualified allied health professional.
- Hydrate Your Body – Water is essential for our body and mind to function effectively. That’s water without anything else in it. With the right amount of water as a baseline, it provides room to move when it comes to teas, coffees, and anything else.
- Maintain Your Body – Think of this as self-care. This includes Complementary Health Therapies through to bodywork options, offered by fully trained and highly skilled professionals. All designed to support your health, wellness and fitness journey. Osteopathy. Holistic Aromatherapy. BodyWork and Massage. Physiotherapy. Exercise Physiology. Acupuncture/Acupressure. Reflexology. Kinesiology. Reiki. Homeopathy. Herbal Medicine. Naturopathy. Chinese Medicine. Ayurveda.
- Maintain Your Physical and Emotional Health – Our body and mind are unique and complex. Capable of continuing well beyond the warning signs of pending imbalance or ill-health. Maintenance includes attention to sleep and breathing. Meditation, Mindfulness or Relaxation. Plus, regular visits to primary healthcare professionals are similar to keeping the car in top running order. Think of this as programmed maintenance for your body. Professionals include Integrative GPs and Holistic Dentists. Psychotherapists. Coaches. Counsellors.
- Feed Your Senses – Reap the benefits to mind, body and soul. Listen to Music. Sing. Find an Art project. Explore the impact of Colour. Unleash your inner Cook. Get into the Garden.
- Special Somethings – High quality products supporting health and wellness. Books too. Organic and natural Skin Care and Makeup. Organic and natural Hair Care and Colour. Rescue Remedy. Arnica. Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. Safe and environmentally friendly home care products. Special food and fare from chocolate and cheese through to garlic, teas and wine. Cacao Tea is the newest find on our radar…
* This list is based on personal experience and is not a substitute for medical advice. Some of the disciplines or modalities mentioned are ones I’ve trained in. Others are ones I’ve used successfully for some time. My family influences were in Conventional Medicine and my studies began in science and psychology before taking me to England to study Complementary Medicine. This training was considered paramedical, following a model that relies on a diagnosis by a qualified medical professional. I’m a firm believer that our health is in our hands, and advocate the importance of proper diagnosis with GPs, specialists or other qualified professionals in conjunction with any options mentioned above. Please consult a qualified exercise professional or GP prior to embarking on any exercise program. We also recommend you check the qualifications of any practitioner prior to booking with them. This information is provided as a guide only and all responsibility for choices and outcomes lies with the reader and their associates.