I love comments and appreciate the time my readers devote to sharing their ideas and giving feedback. I do my best to reply to all comments.
I welcome comments that are respectful and valuable to all readers. However, I reserve the right to remove comments from the Site, including:
- Harassing comments: Please ensure your comment is respectful towards each potential reader. This includes the use of acceptable language.
- Anonymous comments: I only accept comments from people who identify themselves. Please leave your name (first name is fine), and don’t leave a comment using a keyword or company name— companies don’t comment, people do.
- Promotional comments: If you use a comment to solely promote another website or service, I will remove your comment.
- Meaningless comments: If your comment doesn’t add value to the conversation, I may remove it— my aim is to have a meaningful conversation together and to nurture a supportive community.
I use a spam filter for comments, and if your comment doesn’t appear, the spam filter might have mistakenly blocked it. If this is the case, or if you have other questions on this policy, please contact me.
Social media
I regularly share blog posts, provide advice and answer questions via social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube. This Policy also applies to feedback by social media users.
Updated: June 2021